just for you!
So, just because Chris is taking his time to read my blog, I'm going to dedicate an entire post just to him. Haha. Which means this will be entirely in English.
Today I had the great pleasure of finding out that my old English and Swedish teacher is coming back to us. After having a quite strange, yet somewhat .... nice?.... teacher in replacement for him this year, I have been longing for those days we had with Johan as our teacher during our first year. And guess what - now he's coming back and I couldn't be more happy about something that has to do with school.
Otherwise I'm pretty much drowning in the piles of books I have to go trough the following weeks. I have social studies, chemistry, the history of movies, and a nice litle maths test the day before we fleave school for the summer. Yeah, "fleave" is a mix between "flee" and "leave" I've just come up with. Cool, huh?
But tonight I have worked my 7 hours at Ica as usual, and I will work tomorrow night aswell.... this means that I will get a lot of money next month, hehe. That's always good. But I would like to get rid of this stupid cold right now!
Now I'm going to bed... I hope you enjoyed this Chris! Haha, lol.
Today I had the great pleasure of finding out that my old English and Swedish teacher is coming back to us. After having a quite strange, yet somewhat .... nice?.... teacher in replacement for him this year, I have been longing for those days we had with Johan as our teacher during our first year. And guess what - now he's coming back and I couldn't be more happy about something that has to do with school.
Otherwise I'm pretty much drowning in the piles of books I have to go trough the following weeks. I have social studies, chemistry, the history of movies, and a nice litle maths test the day before we fleave school for the summer. Yeah, "fleave" is a mix between "flee" and "leave" I've just come up with. Cool, huh?
But tonight I have worked my 7 hours at Ica as usual, and I will work tomorrow night aswell.... this means that I will get a lot of money next month, hehe. That's always good. But I would like to get rid of this stupid cold right now!
Now I'm going to bed... I hope you enjoyed this Chris! Haha, lol.
Postat av: chris
woooo. im cool as, huh?
but i dont see what the dedication to me is? cos its in english?? IT SHOULD SAY ABOUT HOW I RULE WESTERN EUROPE AND HOW I SHALL BRING THE BIGGEST REIN OF TERROR SINCE he who cannot be named